Category: Hallway lighting

Our Escondido, CA Experts Offer Eight Unique Hallway Lighting Ideas You’ll Love for Your Interior Lighting Design.jpg

Our Escondido, CA Experts Offer Eight Unique Hallway Lighting Ideas You’ll Love for Your Interior Lighting Design

There are a lot of elements that go into good interior design and lighting is arguably one of the most important of those. Choosing the right lighting can make all the difference in how the room looks, feels and functions.  

Interior lighting design choices are obvious for some rooms, like the chandelier for the dining room or the wall-mounted option for above the mirror in the bathroom. However, a lot of Escondido homeowners miss a major opportunity for adding interest to their home with hallway lighting. The hallway is an interesting space because it can either be boring and lifeless, or a pocket of fun in your home. 

We’ve rounded up some hallway lighting ideas to help spark your creativity to transform your hallway into something special. 

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