Brighten Your Night With Residential Exterior Lighting
Lighting Distinctions specializes in the design, installation, and maintenance of high-quality residential exterior landscape lighting systems. We offer only the best in outside and landscape lighting including outdoor lighting fixtures, from durable traditional bulbs to the latest-generation LED landscape lights.
Lighting Distinctions coordinates with clients to create the oooh effect for your landscape lighting. Where it comes to design, we understand the pleasing impact of perfect outdoor lighting design. In other words what works for what type of residence and setting. We also put high emphasis on flawless installation and lastly, however very important, we focus on achieving the optimum economic solution. Where possible our lighting systems include low-voltage LED lighting fixtures use everywhere in the exterior, especially for decorative elements, lawn lighting, and garden illumination.
Let Us Create Your ‘Wow’ Effect!
We Don’t Stop at Installation
Once your landscape lighting system is installed it is also critical to maintain it. We continue the journey with our clients and our expert technicians are always just a call away.
Whether your San Diego home style is traditional or modern, our contemporary outdoor lights will delight you and your guests for years to come.