5 Reasons Why Landscape Lighting Increases Your Home Value
Ask any landscape lighting contractor, and you’ll find that this business is on the rise. Outdoor lighting design is an ideal solution if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to make improvements on your property in and around San Diego. It beautifies your home and increases its value in as little as one day. Here are five reasons that landscape lighting improves your home value.
Visual Appeal
Everyone wants a beautiful home. Why spend the money to create and maintain an outdoor paradise that can only been seen half the time? Not only is a well-lit exterior beautiful, it adds more versatility to your yard’s look. Your outdoor area will have one style in bright sunlight and another in quality outdoor lighting. Open new creative possibilities by highlighting accents and features in brilliant, focused light.
Increased Safety
Around half of all injuries occur around people’s homes. A lack of outdoor lighting can contribute to falls, colliding with unseen hazards, and lower body injuries (e.g. stepping on sharp objects or into holes). While a dark yard is treacherous for able-bodied adults, it can be even more dangerous for children or disabled people. Illuminated walkways can show residents and guests alike safe walkways while also highlighting potential dangers.
Greater Usage
Nightfall typically signals the end of outdoor fun. Children have to come inside, guests leave, and a beautiful night goes wasted. If you don’t want your activities to be dictated by the sun, consider quality outdoor lighting. Your friends can stay safe and continue your activities. Even if you’re not a party person, features for entertaining are becoming a major consideration among homebuyers. Patios and lawns with adequate light signals to potential buyers that your home is party ready.
Home Security
Exterior lighting is an underrated factor in keeping your home safe from intruders. You probably know that lights allow you to see thieves, attackers, and vandals before they ever reach your house. Even more important is that they act as a deterrent. Criminals prefer to hit targets with the lowest risks, even if it means less payoff. Outdoor lighting not only makes it harder to remain unseen, it demonstrates that the resident is mindful of security. Crooks are more likely to choose an easier mark than brave a secure house.
Decreased Liability
Outdoor lighting can help you save money by decreasing your homeowner’s insurance payments. Because an illuminated exterior minimizes the chances of an accident or a break-in occurring, many insurance companies give owners a break.
In a similar vein, many areas are now requiring homes to have exterior lighting. In addition to the safety reasons discussed, it also protects emergency personnel responding to the home. It may not be required where you live, but know that it’s always one law away.
An Easy Improvement
When you increase the beauty, safety, and usage of your home, you naturally improve its value. This is a simple way to boost curb appeal for little money and almost no inconvenience. Contact us today so we can find the lights you want on a budget you can afford.